The History and Innovation of Dome Buildings
The progress of a society, culture and nation can be gauged by a variety of measurements like riches, population, religion or the ability to conquer surrounding countries, but one of the most obvious and awe-inspiring variables is the complexity and creativity found in a society’s architecture. From the colosseum of Italy to the Taj Mahal of India, and the Pyramids of Egypt to the ancient temples of the Americas, one can still find evidence of the importance of architecture and the timeless lessons that live on today. Although many lay in ruins, dome buildings can still be entered in and appreciated as a tourist or modern day architect.
Dome buildings are still standing today because they are one of the strongest designs that have ever been used throughout history. Dome buildings were used back in ancient India and the Middle East to roof small structures like storage units and homes, but were only discovered on a small scale. It was the ancient Romans that began to use this design on a large scale to create some of the strongest and most efficient structures that are still standing today.
In 100 A.D., Roman builders began to experiment with the arch. The arch is an ancient design and the predecessor to the dome. The Roman architects spun the arch in a 360 degree circle to form the first large scale domes that were structurally superior and independent of internal beams and columns that were inefficient and large. Now more than ever before, this new architectural discovery allowed for spacious dome buildings that made for better transporting, storing, working and living.
The Pantheon was built in 126 A.D. and is still standing as one of the most famous dome buildings in the world. The strength and beauty of the building attracts thousands of tourists while inspiring dome architects like South Industries to push for innovation and progress amongst dome buildings for residential and industrial use.
After studying the first large-scale domes built by the Romans, architects in recent centuries have been innovating the dome design by adding components like height, support rings for stronger roofs, and even optical illusions to make a dome feel taller than it really is.
In the 20th century, a new type of dome building made its appearance to the world. The first geodesic dome was created using triangles and other geometric shapes rather than arches to create a dome. One of the most famous geodesic domes can be found at Epcot in Disney World Orlando.
The innovation of dome buildings continues today and is being lead by South Industries with efficient, patented designs that are now premier structures for homes, schools, sports facilities, storage facilities and more. The innovative dome building by South Industries cuts electric bills, maintenance costs, and building time while standing the test of time and mother nature by being one of the safest structures for protecting your family, business or resources.
To learn more about the history of dome buildings and how South Industries is incorporating the historic dome into modern, practical uses, contact our team of monolithic dome builders today!